Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Who will take Brettie to the prom?

Erstwhile 'Nuger Balls of Sound emailed me this little visual mashup the other day:

Brett v Lohan

A witty and incisive dig at a mercurial and self-centered superstar who forces his employer and, by extension, an entire fanbase to suffer through his own indecisiveness? Or a natural outgrowth of a culture, fostered by a federal executive administration that refuses to admit it erred in launching an unnecessary, illegal and unprovoked foreign war, and abetted by media mouthpiece Fox News, in which anyone with the fortitude to, upon further reflection, change one's mind for the better is derided as a "flip-flopper"?

Lohan in reposeOr is the message even more subtle than that? The Hollywood starlet being replaced in the photos above is none other than Lindsay Lohan, another notoriously strung-out, drug-addled drunk.

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